Formula Dog AI

Transform your workflow with Formula Dog AI, an AI-powered tool that converts English to Excel formulas, VBA code, and more. Boost your productivity today!

Formula Dog AI

Formula Dog

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Formula Dog AI is a powerful tool designed to simplify your work with MS Excel, Google Sheets, and other platforms. It uses the power of AI to convert English text into Excel formulas, VBA code, regex, and SQL queries.

With Formula Dog AI, you can effortlessly generate formulas, understand and explain complex code, and even translate code into English. It streamlines your workflow, allowing you to focus on the “what” rather than the “how” of your tasks.

Key Features of Formula Dog AI

  • Convert English to MS Excel/Google Sheets/Airtable: Transform your thoughts into Excel formulas using AI.
  • English to VBA Code: Easily convert your ideas into VBA code for automation and customization.
  • English to Regex: Generate regular expressions using English descriptions and examples.
  • Formula/Code/SQL Explanation: Get detailed explanations of formulas, code, and SQL queries.
  • MS Excel Add-On (In Development): Access the tool directly from MS Excel for seamless integration.
  • Google Sheet Add-On (Launched): Conveniently use the tool from within Google Sheets.

Pricing Plans

  1. ₹749 per month (converted to dollars) for full access to Formula Dog AI.

Formula Dog AI Alternatives

  • Formularizer: AI-driven tool for converting text instructions into Excel formulas.
  • Formula Generator: AI tool to generate Excel formulas.
  • FormulaChatGPT: Quickly generate formulas and fix errors in spreadsheets.


Formula Dog AI is a game-changing tool that simplifies the process of working with MS Excel, Google Sheets, and other platforms. With its AI-powered features, you can effortlessly convert English text to formulas, code, and queries, saving time and boosting productivity.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, Formula Dog AI streamlines your workflow and empowers you to focus on the task at hand. Try Formula Dog AI today and revolutionize your spreadsheet and coding experience.

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