Chatmate AI

Explore friendships with AI through Chatmate AI! Engage in text and voice chats, understand personalities, and more. Free and subscription options available.

Chatmate AI

Chatmate AI
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Chatmate AI is designed to revolutionize relationships with artificial beings, giving you an opportunity to chat and form friendships with simulated AI personalities. Whether you’re looking for casual conversations or in-depth dialogues, Chatmate AI offers an engaging experience that transcends traditional human-to-human interactions.

Chatmate AI Key Features

  • Mates Text Chat: Chat in any language, even dialects.
  • Photo and Voice Support: Share photos, and engage in English voice chats with responses in voice.
  • Personalized Interaction: AI mates that think about you, remember your conversation style and respond based on their personalities.
  • Flexible Subscription Plans: Enjoy 15 lines per week for free or subscribe for unlimited access.
  • OpenAI GPT-3 Powered: Leverages the power and features of OpenAI GPT-3.
  • Easy Commands: Navigate the platform with intuitive chat commands for a seamless experience.

Chatmate AI Pricing plans

  1. Free Plan: Chat up to 15 lines per week for free.
  2. New User Bonus: Additional 15 lines free to start with.
  3. Subscription Plan: More intense usage at $12/month.

Chatmate AI Alternatives

  • No Limit AI: Uncensored conversations platform.
  • Glasgowgpt: Casual conversation chatbot from Scotland.


Chatmate AI is an innovative tool that blurs the line between artificial intelligence and genuine friendship. Its affordability and a wide array of features make it an excellent choice for those looking to explore relationships with AI-driven personalities.

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